From: DWR - DNR Ark River Ops
- May 19, 2023. At 2:02 p.m.
- Good Afternoon,I just want to follow up to Lonnie's email from earlier today. At the top it stated:
- "Administration of water rights are determined by priority of ADMINISTRATION NUMBER (adjudication date)."
- I want to make sure we are being clear on this, priority is not based on adjudication date. The priority is calculated using the appropriation date and adjudication date and considers if the right is decreed as original or supplemental. This calculation takes into account the postponement doctrine. That calculated ranking number is called the "Administration number" or "admin number". As the Division is implementing the ArkDss call analysis tools, this question has come up in conversation all across the basin and we are providing the Admin number along with the call information to assist in helping water users understand the ArkDss tools reporting functions. A lower admin number is indicative of a more senior right. I have prepared a powerpoint presentation on this subject and have been presenting it at different venues around the basin. I plan to include it as a link in the "DE Summary" section of the weekend update which will be coming out later today.
- If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, I am more than happy to describe this term further.
Rachel A. Zancanella, P.E.
Division Engineer, Div. 2
State of Colorado, Division of Water Resources
310 E. Abriendo Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004
Phone: 719-565-8686